LINKSInternal links
Constitution & Standing Orders Minutes of meetings External links The Scottish Government Midlothian Council The Association of Scottish Community Councils Damhead Community Council Roslin & Bilston Community Council Undiscovered Scotland - Loanhead entry Community links Loanhead Community Development Association Loanhead Gala Day Loanhead Parish Church Loanhead After School Club |
Nomination for membershipTo be eligible for membership of Loanhead & District Community Council, candidates must:-
Candidates must have two proposers, each of whom also meets the above criteria. The proposals should be made on the Nomination Form, and submitted to the Returning Officer by the Friday preceding the date of the next election (Tuesday 14th November 2017). The form is available below. Printed copies will also be made available in Loanhead Library and other accessible areas. Completed Nomination Forms should be returned in any of the ways shown below, to arrive no later than noon on Friday 10th November: -electronically, to [email protected]; -handed to a currently serving Community Councillor for Loanhead & District; -handed in to Loanhead Library, addressed to the Returning Officer for Loanhead & District Community Council; -delivered to the Returning Officer for Loanhead & District Community Council, Midlothian House, Buccleuch Street, Dalkeith, EH22 1DJ. . The nomination form can be downloaded by clicking the link below:-